
Chapter 2: Post Training

2.5 months since I graduated from training. 2.5 months since my body was vibrating at 2 classes per day. 2.5 months since I set the goal of minimum 3 classes per week. 2.5 months and I have taught 30 classes. 

Getting up to teach my first class is now a complete blur. HOW DID I GET it all out? Was that really 2.5 months ago? I don't know how to explain it.  Now, 30 classes later- I am starting to learn what it means to teach. I am seeing that when I teach, I bring my students into my own practice while encouraging them in their own. 

I am blessed with two mentors at my studio who have been teaching for 7+ years each. I am also blessed with a Fall 2011 grad to bounce my thoughts off of as we journey together down the teaching path. During each class, I am held accountable for being a teacher, being a person, living up to my full potential. Riding this wave is epic, sure there are low points too. Some classes you think you have nothing left to give. Some classes, teacher and student are fueling mutually until the frequency is high and joyful. I am no master, no way- but I am bright eyed and eager each class to see what the day and unique mix of people will bring. 

30 classes down and I am still nervous each time I walk into that room. Mostly it is nerves that I will let my students down, but that has not happened once. The best advice I have received is this, "give freely of your energy" after training you are so close to the source, you have so much in you, so don't hold back- you won't run out. I enjoy opening the studio, turning on the humidifiers, laying my towel on the podium, vacuuming the room- going through the motions of preparing this torture chamber of unlimited potential. 


SSIS said...

thanks for giving information... i am about to search yoga classes...

alison said...

Just want to thank you for taking the time and energy and heart that went into this blog. I just started Bikram in September and already thinking of teacher training - there is a bit of the "all or nothing" syndrome in me but regardless, I am in love with Bikram. Your words were so honest and insightful and encouraging. No matter what I decide I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and needed every bit of the inspiration you gave. Thanks so much and very best wishes in your practice and teaching. Ali

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