A couple of classes ago, the room was super crowded and the only spot left was in the front row. I put my mat down, always mindful of people in back of me but the only place to put my mat down this particular time was in directly in front of a girl in the back row. Before class started she said, "YOU PUT YOUR MAT RIGHT IN FRONT OF MINE." I told her there was no other space, and would be mindful- but the entire classtime I was trying not to let her get to me.
Fast forward a week or two later, today. I see her in class. I know she remembers me. I can't stop trippin' on the girl. I don't know why- she put her mat down right next to mine today and she really pulls at my patience. She makes random movements during the series, and I am so annoyed.
Bikram says that you let no one steal your peace - and if you do, it is you who have lost. But I don't know what to do. It is evident to me that she will keep being in my 10 AM time slot.
Teachers say that it can take years to look at yourself, your guru in the mirror. I look at myself in the mirror, but there is a about half of my mind- every class- that I am looking at other people (out of the corners of my eye which is totally creepy).
So today, instead of looking at other people- I felt like I projected all of MY nervous energy onto this girl. Yoga is supposed to be about training the mind and today I drove myself crazy. I am telling myself it is not me, it is her. But is it me?
I stumbled across the most beautiful and inspiring yoga pictures on flickr. Sunsinger <-- check it out.
Those pictures are amazing. I'm so glad you linked to them!
Congratulations on meeting your five-day goal! I just started a challenge and already, it's the most consistently I've practiced in YEARS. It's nice to accomplish something, isn't it? :)
Hi Catherine. Thank you for the kind words. Best of luck to you and your practice!
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